Semantics of Under-Represented Languages in the Americas 9 (SULA)
SULA 9 will be held at the University of California, Santa Cruz on May 6-8, 2016. The conference is a venue for researchers working on languages or dialects spoken in the Americas that do not have an established tradition of work in formal semantics. We especially encourage abstract submissions from those who do primary fieldwork or experimental work, as well as analysis. We also strongly encourage graduate students to submit.
Invited speakers
- Lisa Matthewson (University of British Columbia)
- Vincent Medina (Muwekma Ohlone Tribe)
- Line Mikkelsen (University of California, Berkeley)
- Sarah Murray (Cornell)
- Katie Sardinha (University of California, Berkeley)
A preliminary program for the conference is now available. If you plan on attending, we ask that you register (for free) here, so that we can most accurately estimate how many people will be attending.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us by email at:
Latest update: 20 March 2016