Assignment 20:  Some Derivations

This assignment just requires that you provide derivations, with appropriate
discussion, for the following sentences.  Be sure to include complete discussion
of your reasoning about the lexical subcategorizations, the proposed deep
structures, and the transformational operations involved in the derivation of
these sentences.  In particular, for every verb in these sentences, make sure
you know whether it is a raising or a control verb (and also what kind it is),
and can show why you think that.

(1)  The pig intends to pretend to fly.

(2)  The pig pretends to intend to fly.

(3)  Harvey likes to be believed to have wanted to write a good novel.

(4)  There are believed to have been computers being used to generate poetry.

(5)  Little headway is expected to be made on this project before January.

(6)  Harvey seems to want to appear to like linguistics.

(7)  Harvey used to be content to pretend to like linguistics.

There was one more sentence in this assignment, but you probably aren't ready for it:

(8)  The kids expect us to try to persuade them to be happy to paint them blue.

	(Explain why if the first 'them' refers to the kids, the second 'them'

You can try anyway, if you want to.

/*NOTE: (4) involves object-subject control*/