Assignment 20 -- Clausemates In class you have been introduced to some tests for clausematehood. For example, in (1) we know that 'Sue' and 'Harvey' are clausemates, because (assuming Passive is a transformation that operates on a clause) they would have to be for (2) to arise. Similarly, we know that in (1) 'Joe' and 'Sue' are not clausemates, because if they were (3) ought to be generated. (1) Joe thought Sue admired Harvey. (2) Joe thought Harvey was admired by Sue. (3) *Sue was thought admired Harvey by Joe. You can construct similar arguments using Reflexives. Do that. Now consider the following sentence (and others like it) (4) Joe expected Sue to admire Harvey. and answer the following questions: (a) Is 'Sue' a clausemate of 'Harvey'? (b) Is 'Joe' a clausemate of 'Sue'? (c) Is 'Joe' a clausemate of 'Harvey'? Test these out carefully, giving evidence. Now: what are you going to do about it?