Assignment 17: Missing Subjects 0. Recall that we have structures like the following: (1) For Harvey to keep a camel in his garden would annoy Louise. (2) I would hate for Harvey to be accused of insincerity. (3) We are sure that for there to be an increased interest in syntax would scare the phonologists. Briefly describe how these kinds of sentences are generated by our grammar. 1. If our grammar does not yet generate sentences like (4)-(6) below, propose a minimal change that will allow such sentences to be generated (discuss any complications): (4) Harvey wants his wife to own a Porsche. (5) Harvey expects his sons to be admired by his fans. (6) Harvey likes for his monkey to wash him. 2. Now look at these: (7) Harvey wants to own a Porsche. (8) Harvey expects to be admired by his fans. (9) Harvey likes to wash his ears. What is 'to' in these sentences? How many Theta-roles does 'want' assign? In (7), what are they? How many Theta-roles does 'own' assign? In (7), what are they? Considering carefully what the sentences mean, propose an explicit analysis, i.e. an amendment of the grammar so that they will be generated. 3. In view of your proposal, give an account of why (10) is ungrammatical, and why (11) and (12) don't mean the same thing. (10) *There expects to be beer at the party. (11) Harvey expects to be admired by his fans. (12) His fans expect to admire Harvey.