Assignment 1.  grammaticality and grammar

A.    Mark the following sentences as grammatical or ungrammatical:

 (1)  Wash your own monkey's ears.
 (2)  Wash your monkey's own ears.
 (3)  Harvey wants me to wash myself.
 (4)  I want Harvey to wash myself.
 (5)  The rumor that I was dead surprised myself.
 (6)  A pig that the sky is blue is a happy pig.
 (7)  A pig that can fly is a happy pig.
 (8)  It was me.
 (9)  There were assumed to be errors in the proof.
(10)  The errors were assumed to be in the first two steps.
(11)  There weren't any errors, were there?
(12)  There goes the argument against the proof, doesn't there?
(13)  The children aren't going to be hard to persuade to paint themselves blue.
(14)  The children aren't going to be hard to promise to paint themselves blue.
(15)  Bob seems to want to like abstract art.
(16)  Bob wants to seem to like abstract art.
(17)  Bob wants to seem to want to like abstract art.
(18)  Bob wants to seem to persuade to like abstract art.
(19)  Andy tends to be easy to persuade to like any kind of food.
(20)  Andy tends to be likely to persuade to like any kind of food.
(21)  Andy tends to be likely to pretend to like whatever is put before him.
(22)  I have an old tin can to keep my money in.

Discuss anything you find interesting.

B.  Given the following Phrase Structure Grammar and the Lexicon below:

	S  -> NP VP
	VP -> V (NP)
	NP -> (D) N

	N: pig, answer, pitchfork
	V: knew, lied, came, became
	D: a, the

For each of the sentences given below,
	(i)   Is it grammatical?
	(ii)  Is it generated by the grammar?
	(iii) If the answers to (i) and (ii) are different, propose
	      a modification to the grammar.  Discuss the consequences.

NOTE: This asks for a modification to the GRAMMAR.  Don't modify the examples.

(1)  The pig knew the answer.
(2)  The answer knew the pig.
(3)  Knew the answer the pig.
(4)  Knew the pig the answer.
(5)  The pig lied.
(6)  The pitchfork lied the pig.
(7)  The pig lied the pitchfork.
(8)  Pig the pitchfork the lied the.
(9)  The pig came a pitchfork.
(10) The pig became a pitchfork.
(11) The pig became.
(12) An answer came to the pig.
(13) The pitchfork lied to the pig.
(14) My pig lied to my pitchfork.