Allomorphy 1. su-Rule The root suy- ('water') has an allomorph su- when not followed by a V. 2. ban-rule The root ben- ('I') has allomorph ban- when followed by the Dative suffix. 3. Passive allomorphy The passive suffix /l/ has the allomorph /n/ when preceded by V or /l/. 4. Causative allomorphy The causative suffix /DIr/ assumes the shape /t/ after a polysyllabic stem that ends in a vowel or a liquid. 3. Aorist allomorphy The Aorist suffix /r/ has allomorph /Er/ when attached to any monosyllabic root other than the 13 listed exceptions. There is more to the Aorist allomorphy: Following the negative morpheme, the aorist suffix takes the shape /z/. There are further irregularities in the agreement system for the negative Aorist, which will not be revealed here. The Aorist might make a good DM problem.