Ling 181: Structure of Romance Fall 2016 Assignment 3. Spanish Due Tuesday 10/11 Aside from various forms that show tense and agreement, verbs in Spanish have the following (mostly predictable) forms: gloss infinitive past participle present participle be ser sido siendo be estar estado estando love amar amado amando run correr corrido corriendo have tener tenido teniendo require requerir requerido requeriendo talk hablar hablado hablando vivir live vivido viviendo beber drink bebido bebiendo Spanish has two past tenses. We will only be seeing one of them in this assignment. Spanish has two genders, three persons, and two numbers. Nouns, pronouns, and verb forms often reflect these categories. In this problem we will concentrate on the number {singular|plural} distinction. It is easy to see, because the plural in determiners, adjectives and nouns is marked by the ending -s. Number in verbs is more complicated, but the third person plural usually ends in -n. This version of the problem set lacks certain diacritics, such as the accent mark on the 'o' of simple past verbs. If you know where those marks should go, feel free to provide them; if you don't, their absence should not bother you. A. Based on the examples below, devise a mini-grammar (consisting of a sample lexicon and Phrase Structure Rules, or the equivalent in your favorite theory of phrase structure) for Spanish. For this assignment, you can assume that the internal structure of DPs, and the principles of DP-internal concord, are as established previously in class. Here we will be concentrating on the syntax of the clausal spine. Give subcategorizations for the verbs amar, correr, tener, dar, gritar, comer, requerir, hablar. In addition to your lexicon and Phrase Structure Rules, include any observations you can make about agreement, and if possible state a subject-verb agreement rule. In subsequent sections, check to see whether your rule still works. (1) La vaca loca corre. (2) Las vacas corren en el llano. "The crazy cow runs" "The cows run in the plain" (3) La vaca corrio. (4) Las vacas locas corrieron como diablos. "The cow ran" "The crazy cows ran like devils" (5) El coronel grita. (6) Muchos coroneles gritan. "The colonel yells" "Many colonels yell" (7) El coronel loco grito en la cocina. "The crazy colonel yelled in the kitchen" (8) Ambos coroneles gritaron a los soldados. "Both colonels yelled at the soldiers" (9) El mono gordo comio la banana. "The fat monkey ate the banana" (10) Los monos comieron las bananas gigantes. "The monkeys ate the giant bananas" (11) *El mono gordo la banana comio. (12) *La banana el mono gordo comio. (13) La banana gigante comio al mono. "The giant banana ate the monkey" (14) El mono requiere bananas. "The monkey requires bananas" (15) *El mono requiere. (16) *El mono requiere en la cocina. (17) La muchacha tiene una cara bastante bella. "The girl has a quite pretty face" (18) Las muchachas tienen rosas en las manos. "The girls have roses in the hands" (19) El mono gordo dio el platano muy caro a la muchacha bella. "The fat monkey gave the very expensive banana to the beautiful girl" (20) Los gallinazos horribles con alas amplias comieron el cuerpo del mono muerto. "The horrible buzzards with wide wings ate the body of the dead monkey" (21) Ambos coroneles comieron en la cocina de la casa grande. "Both colonels ate in the kitchen of the big house" (22) El mono rompio las ventanas. "The monkey broke the windows" (23) La muchacha habla de la paz. (24) La muchacha habla al mono. "The girl speaks of peace" "The girl talks to the monkey" (25) La muchacha habla. [al = a el (a contraction)] "The girl talks" [del = de el (ditto) ] B. Extend your grammar to account for the following: [NOTE: Spanish has several Modals, two of which are deber 'must' and poder 'can'; their tense and agreement forms are a little bit irregular. Spanish also has two verbs that correspond to English 'be': ser and estar. Their uses are different. Estar can always be distinguished, because in all of its forms it always starts with est-; ser is more variable. Finally, Spanish has an auxliary verb corresponding to English have1: its infinitive is haber.] In the examples with multiple verbs, no other order of verbs is possible. Assume that no ('not') cannot appear in any other place in these examples. Make sure you make clear your assumptions about basic clause structure, in particular where T is. (26) Roberto puede comer las papas. "Roberto can eat the potatoes" (27) Roberto no puede comer las papas. "Roberto cannot eat the potatoes" (28) El coronel no grito a los soldados. "The colonel did not yell at the soldiers" (29) El gato esta comiendo la trucha. "The cat is eating the trout" (30) El gato no esta comiendo la trucha. "The cat is not eating the trout" (31) La vaca (no) esta corriendo. "The cow is (not) running" (32) El mono (no) ha comido el platano. "The monkey has (not) eaten the banana" (33) El mono (no) ha estado comiendo los platanos. "The monkey has (not) been eating the bananas" (34) El mono no debe estar comiendo los platanos. "The monkey should not be eating the bananas" (35) El mono no puede estar comiendo los platanos. "The monkey can't be eating the bananas" (36) El mono no puede haber estado comiendo los platanos. "The monkey can't have been eating the bananas" (37) *El mono (no) es comiendo la trucha. [ser] (38) Donde esta la vaca? "Where is the cow?" (39) Quantas ventanas rompio el mono? "How many windows did the monkey break?" C. The following examples exhibit a case marking phenomenon. Describe it carefully, and then write a rule (a Xn or a Form Rule) to account for the occurrence of the Preposition/Particle a). (Do not put it in the PS rules; that would be a mistake.) We will call this rule a-insertion. (40) Juan vio el platano. *Juan vio al platano. "Juan saw the banana" (41) Juan vio a Maria. *Juan vio Maria. "Juan saw Maria" (42) El mono rompio la ventana. El mono vio al coronel. "The monkey broke the window" "The monkey saw the colonel" (43) Juan ama a Maria. *Juan ama Maria. "Juan loves Maria" (44) Maria ama a Juan. *Maria ama Juan. "Maria loves Juan" (45) *A Juan Maria ama. (46) *Al coronel Juan vio. (47) *A la muchacha el mono vio. (48) *A Juan ama a Maria. D. Expand your grammar to generate the following sentences. It will involve a new transformation. State that transformation carefully. Comment on the ordering between this transformation and Agreement. (49) Corre la vaca loca. "The crazy cow runs" (50) Corren las vacas locas. "The crazy cows run" (51) Grito en la cocina el coronel gordo. "The fat colonel yelled in the kitchen" (52) Gritaron en la cocina los coroneles de Espana. "The colonels from Spain yelled in the kitchen" (53) Comio la banana el mono loco. "The crazy monkey ate the banana" (54) Tiene una cara bastante bella la muchacha. "The girl has a fairly pretty face" (55) No han estado comiendo los platanos los monos locos. "The crazy monkeys have not been eating the bananas" (56) Estaban comiendo el cuerpo del mono muerto unos gallinazos horribles con alas enormes. "Some horrible buzzards with enormous wings were eating the body of the dead monkey" E. Now expand the grammar to include the following sentences. Pay attention to the subcategorizations of the verbs that you established in part A. If you notice anything about agreement, discuss it. (57) La banana es requerida por el mono. "The banana is required by the monkey" (58) Los platanos pueden ser requeridos por los monos. "The bananas can be required by the monkeys" (59) El platano ha sido comido por el mono. "The banana has been eaten by the monkey" (60) La banana ha sido comida por el mono. "The banana has been eaten by the monkey" (61) Los platanos han sido comidos por el mono. "The bananas have been eaten by the monkey" (62) Las bananas han sido comidas por el mono. "The bananas have been eaten by the monkey" (63) El platano no puede haber sido comido por el mono. "The banana can't have been eaten by the monkey" (64) Las ventanas no pueden haber estado siendo lavadas por los monos. "The windows can't have been being washed by the monkeys" (65) Juan ha sido amado por Maria. "Juan has been loved by Maria" (66) Los coroneles pueden ser comidos por las bananas gigantes. "The colonels could be eaten by the giant bananas" F. If you proposed a new transformation in Part E, Now discuss the ordering of that transformation with Verb form rules, and particularly Agreement. Also discuss the ordering of that transformation with a-insertion. What does the following show you? (67) Ha sido comida por el mono la banana gigante.