Syllabus for Syntax V, Winter 2016 Technically Linguistics 114C, Topics in Syntax Introduction to Minimalism Meeting times and place: Tuesday 10:30-12, Friday 11-12:30, Stevenson 213 Course web site: Instructors: Jorge Hankamer Jim McCloskey Office: 264 Stevenson Office Hours: M 12:30-1:30, Th 11-12 email: As usual, the list of readings and problems will unfold as the course progresses. The general sequence will be: An introduction to Minimalism Some issues within the Minimalist Program A couple of Minimalist papers Then we see what happens. There will be approximately one reading a week, and typically one problem. The problems will be mostly assigned as whole group projects, so you will have to get used to working together. A lot of the discussion of readings will be led by peers. In addition to the weekly problems and readings, there will be a final paper, developed through the course of the quarter, on some topic in syntax as informed by Minimalist ideas. We will ask you to choose a topic by the third week, present a reading list and progress report in the fifth week, complete a first draft by the eighth week, and turn in a final paper at the end of the tenth week.