Syllabus Linguistics 113 -- Syntax II Spring Quarter 2018 Course website: MWF 10:40 - 11:45 Sosial Sciences 2 071 Jorge Hankamer Office: 264 Stevenson Office hours email: M 1-2, TH 11-12 Hitomi Hirayama W 2-3 Stv 238 Jake Vincent F 2:30-3:30 Stv 225 Sections: W 12-1:05 Merrill 3 Jorge TH 1:30-2:35 Merrill 3 Jake TH 3:20-4:25 Merrill 3 Hitomi This course continues the investigation of syntactic theory and analysis initiated in Syntax I. While Syntax I focuses on the theory of phrase structure and transformational operations within the clause and between structurally adjacent clauses, in this course we will examine grammatical phenomena that extend across multiple clause levels. There will, of course, not be a textbook. There might be a little reading, if the occasion arises. There will be regular homework assignments, a midterm exam (take-home) and a final squib. A rough outline of the course: week 1 homeworks 2 homeworks 3 homeworks 4 homeworks 5 midterm 6 homeworks 7 homeworks 8 homeworks 9 homeworks 10 final squib The homework problems will be assigned usually at the rate of two a week; they will generally be due on Fridays and Mondays. These problems constitute the main work of the course, and performance on the problems is the main basis for the grade. The midterm and the final squib will count about three homeworks each. There are no in-class exams, though there may be some (unannounced) quizzes. You will have to pass all of these quizzes to pass the course. See for generic advice. We realize that in most courses the syllabus gives you an outline of the course, with topics and reading assignments and all that. But in this course there are almost no reading assignments, and the topics are mostly a surprise, so you won't get that here. If this looks a lot like your Syntax I syllabus, that is because it is.