Syllabus Linguistics 111 -- Syntactic Structures Spring 2012 MWF 8:00 - 9:10 AM Stevenson 175 Jorge Hankamer Office: 264 Stevenson College Office hours email: W 12:30-1:30 TH 11-12 TAs: Reader: Andrea Thompson anlthomp@ucsc Andrew Pedelty Kendra Buchanan knbuchan@ucsc Sections: W 2-3:10 Stevenson 152 Anie Thompson TH 12-1:10 Stevenson 151 Jorge Hankamer TH 2-3:10 Stevenson 151 Kendra Buchanan Course web page: This course is an introduction to the study of syntactic structures (i.e. the structure of sentences) in natural languages. We will examine syntactic structures in a number of languages, including English. Our goal will be to develop an understanding of syntactic structure in general, and to become familiar with some of the ways of investigating it. There is no textbook. The course is based on a sequence of homework problems, which will be assigned at the rate of about two per week. They will usually be due on Monday or Friday, though there may be some variation. These problems constitute the main work of the course, and performance on the problems is the main basis for the grade. There will also be two take-home exams, a midterm and a final. Each will take about a week. The mid-term and the final together will make up about one third of the course grade. See GENERIC ADVICE for generic advice. There are no in-class exams, though there may be some (unannounced) quizzes. You will have to pass all of these quizzes to pass the course. The general sequence of topics will be: 0. Grammaticality and Grammar 1. Lexicon, Phrase Structure, and Subcategorization 2. Word Order Phenomena 3. Syntactic Structure and Movement 4. Passive Constructions in various languages 5. Universal Grammar Actually, there will be a lot more topics than that, and the sequence is fake. But this is a syllabus.