Ling 105 Morphology Winter 2019 Assignment 3 Due Thursday January 24 Turkish Orthography Turkish is an Altaic language and is the national language of Turkey. There are approximately sixty million speakers. Unlike some of the other languages we study, Turkish has a substantial written literature and a native grammatical tradition. Our orthography makes some concessions to American typewriter keyboards (namely, the upper case symbols) but is otherwise the standard Turkish orthography. CONSONANTS: Labial Labiodental Alveolar Alveopalatal Velar Glottal STOPS voiceless p t C k voiced b d c g FRICATIVES voiceless f s S h voiced v z j NASALS m n LIQUIDS r,l GLIDES w y In addition to the consonants above, the underlying segments of Turkish include palatal /k/, /g/, /l/. These palatal consonants contrast with the corresponding nonpalatals in limited environments; they are not distinguished from nonpalatals in the standard orthography (or in our orthography). There is also an underlying segment symbolized by /G/, which you should treat as an unknown consonant. The identity of G will be revealed to you as you solve the problem sets. VOWELS: front front back back unrounded rounded unrounded rounded high i U I u low e O a o Turkish Nouns Problem Set 1 Plural & Accusative Forms PART 1 Describe the formation of plural and accusative nouns. Given the following data, identify the plural and accusative affixes. List all the forms of each morpheme found in this data set. Then propose an underlying representation (or representations) for each morpheme, and some rules which derive the surface forms from the underlying form. gloss singular plural accusative `goose' kaz kazlar kazI `bowl' tas taslar tasI `rock' taS taSlar taSI `car' araba arabalar arabayI `friend' dost dostlar dostu `arm' kol kollar kolu `hair' kIl kIllar kIlI `girl' kIz kIzlar kIzI `door' kapI kapIlar kapIyI `slave' kul kullar kulu `box' kutu kutular kutuyu `bunch' demet demetler demeti `dwarf' cUce cUceler cUceyi `lake' gOl gOller gOlU `cat' kedi kediler kediyi `rose' gUl gUller gUlU `milk' sUt sUtler sUtU `bridge' kOprU kOprUler kOprUyU PART 2 Now consider the following examples. Give a description of the underlying form of the noun stem and propose some phonological rules to account for the alternations found in this data. gloss singular plural accusative `butcher' kasap kasaplar kasabI `book' kitap kitaplar kitabI `garbage' COp COpler COpU `horse' at atlar atI `bunch' demet demetler demeti `simit' simit simitler simidi `shoe' pabuC pabuClar pabucu `tree' aGaC aGaClar aGacI `hair' saC saClar saCI `dog' kOpek kOpekler kOpeGi `bug' bOcek bOcekler bOceGi `load' yUk yUkler yUkU `color' renk renkler rengi `harmony' ahenk ahenkler ahengi `tank' tank tanklar tankI `people' halk halklar halkI `turk' tUrk tUrkler tUrkU Turkish Nouns Problem Set 2 PART 1 Propose underlying forms and phonological rules to account for the forms below. gloss singular plural accusative `right' hak haklar hakkI `limit' hat hatlar haddI `line' hat hatlar hattI `load' yUk yUkler yUkU `bro-in-law' damat damatlar damadI `horse' at atlar atI PART 2 Propose at least two analyses to account for the alternations seen in the following data. gloss singular plural accusative `city' Sehir Sehirler Sehri `son' oGul oGullar oGlu `heart' gOnUl gOnUller gOnlU `intelligence' akIl akIllar aklI `name' isim isimler ismi `life' OmUr OmUrler OmrU `text' metin metinler metni Now consider the additional items given below. Which of your analyses correctly accounts for this additional data? `poison' zehir zehirler zehiri `class' sInIf sInIflar sInIfI `line' satIr satIrlar satIrI `seed' tohum tohumlar tohumu `steam' istim istimler istimi Turkish Nouns Problem Set 3 Genitive and Possessive Forms Identify the genitive and possessive morphemes. What governs their phonological shapes? gloss nominative genitive possessive `goose' kaz kazIn kazI `bowl' tas tasIn tasI `rock' taS taSIn taSI `cat' kedi kedinin kedisi `dog' kOpek kOpeGin kOpeGi `bridge' kOprU kOprUnUn kOprUsU `hair' kIl kIlIn kIlI `slave' kul kulun kulu `horse' at atIn atI `butcher' kasap kasabIn kasabI `book' kitap kitabIn kitabI `garbage' COp COpUn COpU `box' kutu kutunun kutusu `lake' gOl gOlUn gOlU `rose' gUl gUlUn gUlU `bro-in-law' damat damadIn damadI `bunch' demet demetin demeti `bug' bOcek bOceGin bOceGi `dwarf' cUce cUcenin cUcesi `car' araba arabanIn arabasI `load' yUk yUkUn yUkU `simit' simit simidin simidi `arm' kol kolun kolu `friend' dost dostun dostu `milk' sUt sUtUn sUtU `door' kapI kapInIn kapIsI `shoe' pabuC pabucun pabucu `tree' aGaC aGacIn aGacI `hair' saC saCIn saCI `color' renk rengin rengi `harmony' ahenk ahengin ahengi `tank' tank tankIn tankI `people' halk halkIn halkI `turk' tUrk tUrkUn tUrkU `right' hak hakkIn hakkI `limit' hat haddIn haddI `line' hat hattIn hattI `city' Sehir Sehrin Sehri `son' oGul oGlun oGlu `heart' gOnUl gOnlUn gOnlU `intelligence' akIl aklIn aklI `thing' Sey Seyin Seyi `soul' can canIn canI `name' isim ismin ismi `life' OmUr OmrUn OmrU `text' metin metnin metni `poison' zehir zehirin zehiri `class' sInIf sInIfIn sInIfI `line' satIr satIrIn satIrI `seed' tohum tohumun tohumu `steam' istim istimin istimi Turkish Nouns Problem Set 4 Turkish Noun Cases Instructions: Identify the dative, locative, and ablative morphemes. Propose underlying forms and phonological rules to account for any observed alternations. Whenever possible propose alternative underlying forms/phonological rules, and argue for the relative merits of each analysis. gloss nom gen poss acc dat loc abl `goose' kaz kazIn kazI kazI kaza kazda kazdan `bowl' tas tasIn tasI tasI tasa tasta tastan `rock' taS taSIn taSI taSI taSa taSta taStan `cat' kedi kedinin kedisi kediyi kediye kedide kediden `dog' kOpek kOpeGin kOpeGi kOpeGi kOpeGe kOpekte kOpekten `bridge' kOprU kOprUnUn kOprUsU kOprUyU kOprUye kOprUde kOprUden `hair' kIl kIlIn kIlI kIlI kIla kIlda kIldan `slave' kul kulun kulu kulu kula kulda kuldan `horse' at atIn atI atI ata atta attan `butcher' kasap kasabIn kasabI kasabI kasaba kasapta kasaptan `book' kitap kitabIn kitabI kitabI kitaba kitapta kitaptan `garbage' COp COpUn COpU COpU COpe COpte COpten `box' kutu kutunun kutusu kutuyu kutuya kutuda kutudan `lake' gOl gOlUn gOlU gOlU gOle gOlde gOlden `rose' gUl gUlUn gUlU gUlU gUle gUlde gUlden `bro-in-law' damat damadIn damadI damadI damada damatta damattan `bunch' demet demetin demeti demeti demete demette demetten `bug' bOcek bOceGin bOceGi bOceGi bOceGe bOcekte bOcekten `dwarf' cUce cUcenin cUcesi cUceyi cUceye cUcede cUceden `car' araba arabanIn arabasI arabayI arabaya arabada arabadan `load' yUk yUkUn yUkU yUkU yUke yUkte yUkten `simit' simit simidin simidi simidi simide simitte simitten `arm' kol kolun kolu kolu kola kolda koldan `friend' dost dostun dostu dostu dosta dostta dosttan `milk' sUt sUtUn sUtU sUtU sUte sUtte sUtten `door' kapI kapInIn kapIsI kapIyI kapIya kapIda kapIdan `shoe' pabuC pabucun pabucu pabucu pabuca pabuCta pabuCtan `tree' aGaC aGacIn aGacI aGacI aGaca aGaCta aGaCtan `hair' saC saCIn saCI saCI saCa saCta saCtan `color' renk rengin rengi rengi renge renkte renkten `harmony' ahenk ahengin ahengi ahengi ahenge ahenkte ahenkten `tank' tank tankIn tankI tankI tanka tankta tanktan `people' halk halkIn halkI halkI halka halkta halktan `turk' tUrk tUrkUn tUrkU tUrkU tUrke tUrkte tUrkten `right' hak hakkIn hakkI hakkI hakka hakta haktan `line' hat hattIn hattI hattI hatta hatta hattan `limit' hat haddIn haddI haddI hadda hatta hattan `snake' yIlan yIlanIn yIlanI yIlanI yIlana yIlanda yIlandan `increase' zam zammIn zammI zammI zamma zamda zamdan `city' Sehir Sehrin Sehri Sehri Sehre Sehirde Sehirden `poison' zehir zehirin zehiri zehiri zehire zehirde zehirden `son' oGul oGlun oGlu oGlu oGla oGulda oGuldan `heart' gOnUl gOnlUn gOnlU gOnlU gOnle gOnUlde gOnUlden `intelligence' akIl aklIn aklI aklI akla akIlda akIldan `thing' Sey Seyin Seyi Seyi Seye Seyde Seyden `soul' can canIn canI canI cana canda candan `name' isim ismin ismi ismi isme isimde isimden `life' OmUr OmrUn OmrU OmrU Omre OmUrde OmUrden `text' metin metnin metni metni metne metinde metinden `class' sInIf sInIfIn sInIfI sInIfI sInIfa sInIfta sInIftan `line' satIr satIrIn satIrI satIrI satIra satIrda satIrdan `seed' tohum tohumun tohumu tohumu tohuma tohumda tohumdan `steam' istim istimin istimi istimi istime istimde istimden Turkish Nouns Problem Set 5 Inflection of Plural and Possessive Nouns PART 1 Inflection of Plural Nouns. Write a rule which describes the interaction of the plural and case-marking suffixes. (You should have a list of noun stems in your notes, or consult previous data sets, as necessary.) kediler `cats' pabuClarI `shoes (acc.)' kazlarIn `of the geese' arabalarda `in the cars' kOpeklere `to the dogs' kitaplarI `books (acc.)' aGaClardan `from the trees' gUllerin `of the roses' kOprUlerden `from the bridges' gOllere `to the lakes' kutularda `in the boxes' PART 2 Personal Possessives. Identify the personal possessive morphemes. kedim `my cat' kazImIz `our goose' dostunuz `your (pl.) friend' kedisi `his/her/its cat' COpleri `their garbage' kitabInIz `your (pl.) book' cUcemiz `our dwarf' kIlIn `your (sg.) hair' kulum `my slave' atI `his/her/its horse' araban `your (sg.) car' oGullarI `their son' PART 3 Plural Possessives. Describe the interaction of the plural and possessive suffixes. kedilerim `my cats' cUcelerimiz `our dwarves' arabalarInIz `your (pl.) cars' kazlarIn `your (sg.) geese' kedileri `his/her/its cats' PART 4 More Personal Possessives. Now consider the following data. On the basis of the data in parts 2-4, describe fully the formation of singular and plural personal possessives. dostlarI `his/her/its friends' kedileri `their cat' kitaplarI `his/her/its books' kazlarI `their geese' kedileri `their cats' PART 5 Inflection of Possessives. Describe the interaction of the possessive suffix with the plural and case marking suffixes. kOpeGinizin `of your (pl.) dog' cUcemize `to our dwarf' aGaClarInIzda `in your (pl.) trees' COpUmU `my garbage (acc.)' damadIndan `from your (sg.) brother-in-law' gUllerimizin `of our roses' PART 6 More on Inflection of Possessives. Revise your rules to account for the following data. atInI `his/her/its horse (acc.)' damadIna `to his/her/its brother-in-law' kazInIn `of his/her/its goose' kedilerine `to his/her/its cats' kitabInI `his/her/its book (acc.)'