Swahili Problem: 1 The following is a list of Swahili nouns in singular-plural pairs. A. Provide a list of noun stems and any other affixes. What morphological process relates the singular and plural forms? You will notice that the list of nouns breaks down into groups. In Bantu languages, these groups of nouns are called "noun classes." Based on the data in this section, what generalizations, if any, can you make about the kinds of nouns which belong to each class? Singular Plural 1. person mtu watu 2. basket kikapu vikapu 3. child mtoto watoto 4. thing kitu vitu 5. person mtu watu 6. handle kipini vipini 7. book kitabu vitabu 8. farmer mkulima wakulima 9. visitor mgeni wageni 10. animal mnyama wanyama 11. insect, bug mdudu wadudu 12. cook mpishi wapishi 13. hill kilima vilima 14. street sign kipilefti vipilefti 15. old person mzee wazee B. Add the following data to your lexicon, listing any new stems and affixes, and indicating how the singular and plural nouns are mophologically related. Do we need a new noun class to account for the nouns in this section? Why or why not? Singular Plural 16. ditch mfereji mifereji 17. river mto mito 18. nation mtaifa mitaifa 19. coffee tree mbuni mibuni 20. candle mshumaa mishumaa 21. lip mdomo midomo 22. bag mfuko mifuko 23. bread mkate mikate 24. boundary mpaka mipaka C. Incorporate the following examples into your lexicon, listing any new noun stems and any other new morphemes. How must you revise your original generalization about membership in the noun classes to account for the following data? Singular Plural 25. barber kinyozi vinyozi 26. rhinocerous kifaru vifaru 27. young person kijana vijana 28. blind person kipofu vipofu 29. flea kiroboto viroboto 30. hippo kiboko viboko D. Into which noun classes do the following nouns fall? Account for the phonological alternations. 31. mango tree mwembe miembe 32. thorn tree mwiba miiba 33. teacher mwalimu walimu 34. year mwaka miaka 35. student mwanafunzi wanafunzi 36. month mwezi miezi 37. umbrella mwavuli miavuli Swahili Problem: 2 In the first problem set, we saw examples of three singular/plural noun class pairs. In this problem set, we shall see several more such pairs. For each new set of words, list all of the new stems and affixes. A. What morphological processes relate the singular and plural forms of the following Swahili nouns? How many singular/plural noun class pairs are represented in this list? Based on the Swahili data you have seen so far (including the data from the last problem set), is it possible to predict the plural form of a given singular noun? Give examples to support your answer. Singular Plural 1. shop duka maduka 2. barrel pipa mapipa 3. shoulder bega mabega 4. axe shoka mashoka 5. knot fundo mafundo 6. fruit tunda matunda 7. car gari magari 8. church kanisa makanisa 9. name jina majina 10. answer jibu majibu 11. leaf jani majani 12. corn hindi mahindi 13. orange chungwa machungwa 14. papaya papai mapapai 15. medicine dawa dawa 16. money pesa pesa 17. bicycle baisikeli baisikeli 18. world dunia dunia 19. price bei bei 20. picture picha picha 21. school shule shule 22. lamp taa taa 23. vegetable mboga mboga 24. mosquito mbu mbu 25. lion simba simba 26. elephant tembo tembo 27. bee nyuki nyuki B. Some of the nouns in the following list belong to a class we have not yet seen. In your list of new morphemes, indicate which new stems are associated with this new noun class. Can you make any generalizations about the kinds of nouns belonging to this new class? Singular Plural 1. child mtoto watoto 2. childhood utoto ------ 3. goodness uzuri ------ 4. old person mzee wazee 5. old age uzee ------ 6. height urefu ------ 7. laziness uvivu ------ 8. family jamaa jamaa 9. unity ujamaa ------ 10. craftsman fundi mafundi 11. craftsmanship ufundi ------ 12. Britain uingereza ------ 13. France ufaransa ------ 14. Kikuyuland ukikuyu ------ 15. Masailand umasai ------ C. Most of the nouns in the new class introduced in part B do not have plural forms. There are, however, some nouns in this class which do have plurals. State the morphological and/or phonological processes by which the following forms are derived. Given the data that you have seen so far, is it possible to predict the singular form of the verb, given only the plural form? Provide examples to support your argument. Singular Plural 16. rib ubavu mbavu 17. key ufunguo funguo 18. finger- or toenail ukucha kucha 19. plank ubao mbao 20. wall ukuta kuta 21. sandal udara ndara 22. whistle (sound) ubinja mbinja 23. beard hair udevu ndevu 24. direction upande pande 25. broom ufagio fagio 26. page ukurasa kurasa 27. wind upepo pepo 28. beer, liquor ugimbi ngimbi 29. string ugwe ngwe D. The following nouns are members of the same class as the nouns in part C. Account for the phonological alternations in the singular forms and describe the formation of the plurals. 30. fishing net wavu nyavu 31. time, season wakati nyakati 32. song wimbo nyimbo 33. cake pan waya nyaya 34. footprint wayo nyayo Swahili problem: 3 A. The following examples show the formation of the demonstrative in Swahili. List all of the new morphemes introduced in this set of data; for all new nouns, indicate the noun class to which they belong. How many different demonstratives are shown here? By what morphological process are these demonstratives formed? 1. that tree mti ule those trees miti ile 2. that thing kitu kile those things vitu vile 3. that egg yai lile those eggs mayai yale 4. that book kitabu kile those books vitabu vile 5. that nail msumari ule those nails misumari ile 6. that fruit tunda lile those fruits matunda yale 7. that house nyumba ile those houses nyumba zile 8. that rib ubavu ule those ribs mbavu zile 9. that person mtu yule those people watu wale 10. that lamp taa ile those lamps taa zile 11. that animal mnyama yule those animals wanyama wale 12. that direction upande ule those directions pande zile 13. this tree mti huu these trees miti hii 14. this egg yai hili these eggs mayai haya 15. this thing kitu hiki these things vitu hivi 16. this house nyuumba hii these houses nyuumba hizi 17. this hill kilima hiki these hills vilima hivi 18. this mountain mlima huu these mountains milima hii 19. this person mtu huyu these people watu hawa 20. this fruit tunda hili these fruits matunda haya 21. this child mtoto huyu these children watoto hawa 22. this lamp taa hii these lamps taa hizi 23. this rib ubavu huu these ribs mbavu hizi 24. this direction upande huu these directions pande hizi B. The following examples show these same nouns modified by another demonstrative pronoun, the referential "that". Describe the formation of the referential demonstrative, and account for any phonological side-effects of the formation process you describe. 25. that person mtu huyo those people watu hao 26. that book kitabu hicho those books vitabu hivyo 27. that tree mti huo those trees miti hiyo 28. that direction upande huo those directions pande hizo 29. that fruit tunda hilo those fruits matunda hayo 30. that lamp taa hiyo those lamps taa hizo 31. that child mtoto huyo those children watoto hao 32. that mountain mlima huo those mountains milima hiyo 33. that hill kilima hicho those hills vilima hivyo 34. that rib ubavu huo those ribs mbavu hizo 35. that house nyumba hiyo those houses nyuumba hizo 36. that egg yai hilo those eggs mayai hayo Swahili Problem: 4 List all of the verb stems and subject, object and tense affixes in the following data, and provide a morphological template for Swahili verbs. Forms glossed 'you' are second person singular unless otherwise indicated. Subject and object reference for the verbs in these lists is always disjoint; in other words, none of these verbs are reflexive. 1. s/he will like me atanipenda 2. s/he will like you atakupenda 3. s/he will like him/her atampenda 4. s/he will like us atatupenda 5. s/he will like you (pl) atawapenda 6. s/he will like them atawapenda 7. I will like you nitakupenda 8. I will like him/her nitampenda 9. I will like them nitawapenda 10. you will like him/her utampenda 11. we will like him/her tutampenda 12. they will like him/her watampenda 13. s/he will annoy you atakusumbua 14. s/he will annoy you (pl) atawasumbua 15. you are annoying them unawasumbua 16. you are annoying him/her unamsumbua 17. you(pl) are annoying him/hr mnamsumbua 18. s/he will beat me atanipiga 19. s/he will beat you atakupiga 20. s/he will beat him atampiga 21. you (pl) will beat me mtanipiga 22. s/he is beating me ananipiga 23. s/he is beating you anakupiga 24. s/he is beating you (pl) anawapiga 25. s/he is beating them anawapiga 26. s/he is beating him/her anampiga 27. s/he has beaten me amenipiga 28. s/he has beaten you amekupiga 29. s/he has beaten him/her amempiga 30. s/he beat me alinipiga 31. s/he beat him/her alimpiga 32. s/he beat you alikupiga 33. they have paid us wametulipa 34. we paid you tulikulipa B. List the new morphemes presented in the following data. How is the morphology of positive and negative verbs related? 35. we will not pay you hatutakulipa 36. I will not pay you sitakulipa 37. s/he will not pay me hatanilipa 38. you will not pay me hutanilipa 39. you (pl) will not pay me hamtanilipa 40. they will not pay him/her hawatamlipa 41. they will not beat you hawatakupiga 42. I will not beat you sitakupiga 43. I have not annoyed you sijakusumbua 44. I have not annoyed him sijamsumbua 45. you have not annoyed them hujawasumbua 46. they have not annoyed us hawajatusumbua 47. you have not paid me hujanilipa 48. you have not paid them hujawalipa 49. you did not pay me hukunilipa 50. you did not pay them hukuwalipa 51. you (pl) did not annoy me hamkunisumbua 52. they did not annoy me hawakunisumbua 53. they did not annoy him/her hawakumsumbua 54. I did not beat you (pl) sikuwapiga 55. I did not beat them sikuwapiga 56. I am not annoying you sikusumbui 57. you are not beating me hunipigi 58. you (pl) are not beating me hamnipigi 59. s/he is not paying you hakulipi 60. s/he is not paying him/her hamlipi