When Even No's Neg is Splitsville
Chris Potts UC Santa Cruz
This note describes an unexpected interaction between the Negative Polarity
Item (NPI) need and the determiner no. Unlike its Germanic
brethren kein and geen, no does not normally allow its
negation to "split" from it, taking scope over another operator and leaving
an indefinite behind. However, when a no DP is the object of an NPI
need-clause, determiner no happily divides.
1 Split readings
A much-studied property of the German negative determiner kein
'no' is that it permits 'split' readings such as (1c) alongside de
dicto and de re readings; see Jacobs 1980, Kratzer 1995:
§2.5, de Swart 1996, and references therein.
(1) | Alle | Ärtze | haben |
kein | Auto. | (de Swart 1996: (5)) |
| all | doctors | have |
no | car | |
| a. | = | For all doctors y,
it is the case that y has no car. | (de dicto) |
| b. | = | There is no car x such that all
doctors have x. | (de re) |
| c. | = | It is not the case that every doctor
has a car. | (split) |
For reading (1c), somehowperhaps via lexical decomposition (Jacobs
1980, Kratzer 1995), perhaps via higher-order interpretation (de Swart
1996)the negation associated with kein "splits" from the object
DP, outscoping the subject quantifier and leaving an indefinite below. The
Dutch determiner geen 'no' also permits split readings. But, in the
vast majority of cases, English determiner no lacks a split reading;
compare (1) with the English (2).
(2) | All doctors have no car. |
Sentence (2) has interpretations parallel to (1a,b), but (1c) is
impossible. Similarly, (3) lacks a split reading (3c), unlike its German
counterpart (4).
(3) | The company must fire no employee. |
| a. | = | The company is obligated to
fire no employee. | (de dicto) |
| b. | = | There is no employee x
such that the company is obligated to fire x. | (de
re) |
| c. |
It is not the case that the company
is obligated to fire an employee. | (split) |
(4) | Die Firma
muss keinen Angestellten feuern. |
Importantly, the split reading entails the de re reading, but
the reverse entailment does not hold: suppose the company's stock has
just plummeted, forcing it to make a layoff. Any employee will do,
they're all equally paid, equally competent, and equally well-liked, but
someone's got to go. The de re reading is consistent with this
situation, but the split reading is not.
Thus, the crucial difference between English (3) and German (4) is
that only the German sentence can be used to directly deny an assertion
that some employee or other must be let go. The best (3) can do is the
unlikely de dicto assertion that the company is obligated to keep
everyone on, or the weaker de re claim that no single employee is
necessarily the target of the impending lay-off.
2 But lest we start thinking in terms of parameters...
The behavior of NPI need is illustrated in (5); I cite some naturally
occurring cases because judgments on NPI data vary considerably, the more so
with need.
(5) | a. | You need *(not) eat the
cauliflower. |
| b. | {No one / *everyone} need eat the
cauliflower. |
| c. | "Anyone who doubts that need only get to know
them." |
| | Tom Wolfe. "Stalking the
billion footed beast". The Best American Essays 1990 (p. 287) |
| d. | "All we need assume is that the rule assigning
vowel length applies before the sonorization rule neutralizing the voicing
distinction." |
| | Michael Kenstowicz.
Phonology in Generative Grammar (p. 71) |
Initially, it looks like need has a fairly standard NPI profile. It is
licensed in (merely) downward entailing environments like the restriction of a
universal (5d), and even by quasi-downward entailers like only (5c).
Need is a bit peculiar in that it permits its licensing negation to
follow it, as in (5a) and (5c), but this just puts it in the class of NPIs that
can be licensed by what de Swart (1998) calls inverse scope, as defined
in (6).
(6) | Inverse scope: An expression a has
inverse scope over an expression b iff b is in the semantic scope
of a but a does not c-command b at S-structure. (de
Swart 1998: 181) |
Other instances of inverse scope NPI-licensing are given in (7), which are
due to Linebarger (1980); see also de Swart 1998: 179. The NPIs are italicized.
(7) | a. | He gives a damn about no one
but himself. |
| b. | She can help doing none of these
things. |
Sentence (7b) must be interpreted as, roughly, "None of these things is such
that it is possible for her to avoid doing them." The negative DP none of
these things cannot take narrow scope with respect to the modal; the
interpretation "It is possible for her to do none of these things" is blocked
because, on that reading, NPI can help goes unlicensed.
Similarly, (5a) cannot be used to assert that you are obligated not to eat
cauliflower (we should all be so lucky). In this respect, English
NPI-need works like its German brauchen and Dutch hoeven
(both 'need'), which are also NPIs and so cannot outscope their licensing
It is possible for need to be licensed by a no DP in the object
position of its clause. I cite attested cases in (8), again because judgments
(8) | a. | "You need go nowhere else." |
| | J.M. Coetzee. 'Meat
country'. Granta 52: Food (p. 47) |
| b. | "She need give no thought to owning a fax
machine or computer." |
| | Joseph Epstein. With My
Trousers Rolled (p. 24) |
| c. | "In principle, as I have defined "principle",
the sciences of human nature need make no reference to consciousness and
suffer no explanatory or predicative inadequacy." |
| | Colin McGinn. The N.Y.
Review of Books, June 10, 1999 (p. 44, column 1) |
| d. | "We need have no worries about him." |
| | Hans Magnus Enzensberger, 'In
praise of illiteracy', Harper's Magazine , June 2000 (p. 27) |
For concreteness, consider the simple case in (9). As expected, the de
dicto interpretation is blocked. But, surprisingly, both split and
de re readings are available, the split reading being the most prominent.
(9) | The company need fire no employees. |
| a. |
The company is obligated to fire no
employees. | (de dicto) |
| b. | = | There are no employees x
such that the company is obligated to fire x. | (de
re) |
| c. | = | It is not the case that the
company is obligated to fire employees. | (split) |
Sentence (9) contrasts minimally with (3) above. Suppose Mike, nervous
employee of a much-hyped .com whose stock has plummeted, says to his fellow
employee Greg, "I hear the company's going to fire someone. We're all equally
likely to get the boot; they just need to make a cut." Greg could respond with
(9) to deny the truth of this rumor. Although (9) does permit a de re
interpretation, the assertion of this weaker proposition is consistent with an
impending unselective layoff.
The felicity of (9) in this situation demands that we generate a split
reading. The work of Jacobs, Kratzer, de Swart, and others provides the tools to
do this elegantly. But the data remain puzzling: why does no, normally so
preserving of its integrity, allow itself to come unglued only in the presence
of a higher need?
Jacobs, J. 1980. 'Lexical decomposition in Montague Grammar', Theoretical
Linguistics 7 (p. 12136).
Kratzer, Angelika. 1995. 'Stage-level and individual-level predicates as
inherent generics', in (eds) Gregory N. Carlson and Francis Jeffry
Pelletier, The Generic Book. University of Chicago Press, Chicago
(p. 12575).
Linebarger, Marcia. 1980. The grammar of negative polarity.
Ph.D. dissertation, MIT.
de Swart, Henriëtte. 1996. 'Scope ambiguities with negative quantifiers',
in (eds) Claus von Heusinger and Urs Egli, Proceedings of the Konstanz
Workshop: Reference and Anaphorical Relations. Fachgruppe
Sprachwissenschaft Universitat Konstanz (p. 14564).
de Swart, Henriëtte. 1998. 'Licensing of negative polarity items under
inverse scope', Lingua (p. 175200)